

 For centuries , people have wondered questioned , researched and discovered. This interest and curiosity is history has increased throughout. Children are undoubtedly the greatest representatives of curiosity. Always somewhere they confuse , find different things of develop their own merits. Well , philosophy is unnecessary is it ?  Although the conceptual emergence of philosophy is known , in fact , people used to be curious. They started to philosophize thanks to. So the emergence of philosophy with the birth of questioning happened in the same period. Why ? Why is that ? Why am I here ? Questions like in previous periods. Although it was considered as curiosity , it was understood that these were the beginning of philosophy in the following centuries      Science emerged later. The science of answers to the questions of philosophy has created. Here comes the following conclusion: There is philosophy at the core of science.  For example , the first engine emerged with the question &


Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. Discovery human spaceflight and robot are experienced as spaceflight. The observation of objects in space , that is , astronomy is one of the oldest known occupations extends before recorded date. Gasoline rockets developed at the beginning of the 20th century , allowed it to be done. Space exploration often turns into political races , nations before. Speeds to explore the 'space race' between the USA and USSR is an example. Space exploration has shifted from single flights to reusable materials that allow more exploration. Special interest in space exploration led to more competition an greater government duties. A female world with Vastok 6  The first satellite launch was made in 1957 an unmanned aerial vehicle named Sputnik is about 150 times. Mile remained in Earth's orbit. USA two months after Soviet success Vanguard. He made the unsuccessful launch called 1 astrobiology. İn 1958 ,


 The discovery of America in 1492 was one of the most important events in world history. Years ofter Colombus found this continent by chance , the Spaniards came here for gold and silver attacked. Names like Pizarro and Cartes also paved the way for this gain. But at that time. The cost of these adventures was also much higher than the period.  The greatest joy after this discovery is the continent between Asia and Europe. When the date shows the year 1492 , Colombus came to this new world , which he thought of as Asia stepped on his feet. The Spanish Royal couple financed Colombus. Later discoveries with gold ambition followed each other. One of those who went on these journeys was Hernan Cortes. This explorer does not have any he had no military experience. But he defeated Montezuma 2, the King of Aztke , with his army of 500 men. He was not afraid to do it either. İn this way , it went as far as the interior of Mexico. Home to 200 thousand people Tenochtit , which is both a cultural


Simurg is a bird , the symbol of ressurection and beign born from it ashes. The head of the legend Kaf. İt is a bird believed to live an its mountain. At the end of his life his greatest trait is his home and himself burning and rising from the ashes as a new bird. Simurg is a symbol of beauty , fertility and power. Simurgh lives in a tree called Tubia which contains the seeds of each tree. kurulamazsın The birds believed that by believing Simurg's word he would save themselves. An unfavorable situation. The address they apply when they happen or things go wrong was Simurg. Cruelties when he comes and injustice ends , happiness and peace spread around and the innocent get their rights. A time then Phoenix disappeared. İt hasn't been seen for a long time. Cruelty injustice outrage thieves , thieves and liars have deceived life. Simurg a news was deliveced , but did not come. The birds started to think that there was no such bird. One day a distant in the land , the birds found a


  Rönesans Ve Modern Bilim Dönemin temel özelliği : Dünyayı ve insanı keşfetme Rönesans Zihniyeti : Cennet - cehennem gibi sorunlarla ilgilenmek yerine dünyayla ilgilenmek  Teoloji ve skolastik düşünce yerine gerçeklere yönelik hür araştırma ve öğrenme uğraşı   Rönesans: Yeniden Doğuş  (1453-1690) Bu dönem iki anlamda değerlendirilmeli: 1.Antik klasik metinlerin tekrar keşfi , öğrenimi , sanat ve bilimdeki uygulamaları 2.Bu entelektüel faaliyetlerin neticelerinin Avrupalılık kültürünü güçlendirmesi Rönesans Sebepleri Arapçaya çevrilmiş eski Yunan ve Roma eserlerin tercüme edilmesi Coğrafi keşifler neticesinde zenginleşen ve güzel sanatlar gibi alanlara destek veren , sanatçılara yardım edip , koruyan bir zümrenin oluşması   1. İnsan güçlüdür ve bu gücüyle büyük başarılara ulaşabilir. 2. Gerçek güzeldir. Yaşadığımız dünya o kadar ilgi çekicidir ki başka dünyaları düşünmenin hiçbir anlamı yoktur. 3. Ortaçağ'ın din anlayışına , metafiziğine , bireyselliği yok etmeyi amaçlayan Hristiya


 Dünya üzerinde pek çok medeniyet gelip geçmiştir. Bu medeniyetlerden bazıları sadece tarihin tozlu raflarında kendilerine yer bulabilmişken bazıları dünya üzerinde kalıcı yapıtlar bırakmış ve bu yapıtlar ile asırlar sonra bile isimlerinden övgüyle söz ettirmeyi başarmışlardır. Şu an tarihi eser durumundaki pek çok ürün yapıldıkları devirlerde bir gaye uğruna yapılmıştı. Eserin yapılış nedeni millete hizmet vermek için , (Kevansaraylar) dini vazifeleri yerine getirmek için (Ayasofya Kilisesi) , ülke müdafaası için (Çin Seddi) , görsel sanat için (Kaplumbağa Terbiyecisi Tablosu) veya sadece mühim bir kişinin mezarı için (Keops Piramidi) olabilir.  Bu tarihi yapıtlar arasında en güzelleri hangisidir ? Bu soruyu herkes kendi zevk ve düşüncesine göre yanıtlayabilir. Fakat bu soruyu ilk defa ortaya atan şahıs tarihin babası olarak nam salmış ve insanlığa büyük katkıları olan Yunanlı tarihçi Heredot'tur. Meşhur tarihçi bir gezgin olarak dolaştığı yapıların bir sıraya dizilmesi gerektiğin