Simurg is a bird , the symbol of ressurection and beign born from it ashes. The head of the legend Kaf. İt is a bird believed to live an its mountain. At the end of his life his greatest trait is his home and himself burning and rising from the ashes as a new bird. Simurg is a symbol of beauty , fertility and power. Simurgh lives in a tree called Tubia which contains the seeds of each tree.


The birds believed that by believing Simurg's word he would save themselves. An unfavorable situation. The address they apply when they happen or things go wrong was Simurg. Cruelties when he comes and injustice ends , happiness and peace spread around and the innocent get their rights. A time then Phoenix disappeared. İt hasn't been seen for a long time. Cruelty injustice outrage thieves , thieves and liars have deceived life. Simurg a news was deliveced , but did not come. The birds started to think that there was no such bird. One day a distant in the land , the birds found a piece of Simurg's feather. On top of that all the birds in the world. They believed in Anka's existence and decided to ask her for help. But Phoenix skirts howls. He lived on the top of the Kaf mountain above it. Crossing the seven bottomles valleys to get there was required. Valleys were the valleys of wish love , ingenuity , istigna , oneness , wonder and powerty. The number of birds on the journey has become less and less. Only 30 birds could reach Kaf mountain. No they understood that in fact Simurgh the Phoenix ''thirty bird'' in other words , each bird is on Emerold Ankay. The birds that can cross these seven valleys are perfect , it would have the attribute of a wise and savior bird.

İn other words , having a soul , not blindly in love , believing in ideas and success , who know how to act together and consult , do not want loneliness , stay away from gossip. Birds that can overcome their self and arrogance glarify to the rank of Simurg. Those birds from their ashes again was born. Extract ; Unless you are Simurg the Phoenix , from your perches and cages you cannot be installed. 


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